Logotipo Cendeac



La república de los fines

La república de los fines. Contribución a una crítica de la autonomía del arte y la sensibilidad
  • Collection: Ad Hoc
  • Author: Jordi Claramonte
  • Year: 2011
  • Format: 23 × 15 cm; 255 p.
  • Binding: ENCOLADO
  • ISBN: 978-84-96898-94-3
  • Price: 18 € (TAX incl.)

La república de los fines is a book about autonomy, a fragile yet powerful idea that is surely the clearest and most confusing of all the categories which¿borrowed from the classical arsenal¿have been reformulated and fully employed to organise the distinctive thinking of modernism. On its long journey since the early days of the Enlightenment, this idea of "autonomy" has, as could not be otherwise, come to unfold very different, when not conflicting, meanings. The book examines the notions of "enlightened autonomy¿, ¿modern autonomy¿ and ¿modal autonomy" as different moments of autonomy in the equally long and confusing history of modernism.

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