Logotipo Cendeac



Ornamento y ley

Ornamento y ley. Procesos de contemporización y normatividad en el arte contemporáneo
  • Collection: Ad Hoc
  • Author: Juan Luis Moraza
  • Year: 2007
  • Format: 15 × 22,9 × 0,8 cm; 127 p.
  • Binding: TAPA BLANDA
  • ISBN: 978-84-935369-5-4
  • Price: 15 € (TAX incl.)

If the ornament, inasmuch as incorporating affective content, is able to engage individual wills, its abolition leads to an apparent loss of persuasive effectiveness. The abolition of ornament could be read as extreme continuance of the legal-cultural tradition of the Western world. The purification resulting from the abolition of ornament presupposes the ultimate elimination of conflict, yet the abolition of ornament leads, paradoxically, to its very own ubiquity. This is how the suppression of conflict, symbolized by the elimination of ornament, only occurs in a twofold process of converting the structure into ornament and themes into forms.

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